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Open source & decentralisation

My focus is decentralisation and p2p computing.

My Github profile shows that I consistently make thousands of contributions every week/month/year and have for many years.


I wrote all the smart contracts for Rain Protocol.

Rain is an onchain interpreter that allows high level languages to be written and deployed as smart contracts, that can then be used to define calculations and rules for other smart contracts. This allows algorithms that are usually handled offchain, such as token liquidity strategies, to be lifted onchain to drastically improve security and transparency.

SemiFungible Tokens (SFT)

I designed and implemented a hybrid NFT/FT token system that can bind non-fungible assets (onchain or offchain) to fungible assets. This system has many novel applications, both decentralized and centralized.


I am a core contributor to Holochain, a distributed applications (dApps) platform.

I have written code (Rust & Golang) for Holochain, helped define and build the wasm engine, wasm developer SDK, devops/automation infrastructure, mentored ecosystem developers, written Medium articles and documentation.

Work with me

Note: I am currently NOT taking on new clients directly. To work with me you'll need to work with/on Rain and/or SFT FOSS code as a community member.


p: +995 558 355 047

Standard rate is $150 USD/DAI per hour.

Major cryptocurrencies accepted (BTC, ETH, DAI).